Study in USA

World's highest Ranked Universities:

Universities globally are ranked on the number of research papers published every year. United States is home to majority of such universities which belong to the top 100 in the world. This is owing to the fact that Universities in the US have the latest technology available for research along with the resources and infrastructure.

High Quality Education:

United States is the #1 destination for students since it offers them the highest quality of education. They believe in constituting the faculty with the best members. US also stresses a lot on application based education hence ensures the faculty members are actively involved in heading research groups.

Abundant Options:

Students opting to study here are spoilt for choice. USA has more than 4000 educational institutions that offer courses at undergraduate, postgraduate/masters, doctorate levels in various fields. They also encourage interdisciplinary programs (eg. Robotics) and dual degree programs. US also offer various certification courses.

Value for Money:

An academic degree from the USA is the best investment for any student since it is recognized all over the world. The career options that follow once the student has completed his degree bring very high returns and ensure a very successful and fulfilling career in the United States or wherever else he chooses to establish his professional career.

Flexible curriculum:

Universities in US provide very flexible programs. Students are open to choose from a variety of courses and electives available in the stream. They can also choose to study electives from another stream after the approval of the program director. This allows the students to specialize in their desired field.

Considered financially secure:

Banks readily provide loans for students who wish to study ms in USA. In order to cover living expenses, International students are allowed to work part time, upto 20 hours/week and 40 hours/week during breaks. Students with strong profiles also get offered scholarships and/or assistantships (subject to availability of funds) on receiving an admit. If not, then students can try for assistantships (research/graduate/teaching/grading) once there.